Country Information ++ Volunteer ++ Internship ++ Spain
Country Information - Spain
Little insight into Spain as a country and in general, summed up by Students Go Abroad!
Capital : Madrid
Population : 46.063.511 inhabitants (2008)
Government : Parliamentarian Monarchy
Religion : 92% Roman-Catholic
Area : approx. 504.645 km²
National Language : Spanish
Climate : Mediterranean
Dimensions of The Country
Spain is situated in the South of Europe and takes up the major part of the Iberian Peninsula. Its total area is 504.645 km² and apart from the mainland, the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands as well as the cities Ceuta and Melilla on the Moroccan Coast belong to Spain. The country shares borders with Portugal in its West and France and Andorra in the North. The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean are its natural borders in the East, South and the Northwest.
92 % of the Spanish population belongs to the Roman-Catholic Church. That's why the country is also being called the Catholic Nation. However, today less than 50% of Spaniards would call themselves religious. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church has still a great influence.
Spanish is the official language in all of its different regions and parts. But in some of Spains autonomous communities Catalan, Galician and Basque are officially recognized languages, too.
Some of the other regional languages:
Approx. 507 : Visigoth flee to the Iberian Peninsula
A Muslim army beats the Visigoths and soon occupies the whole kingdom
The next centuries are shaped by conflicts between Christians and Muslims
1212: Almost the whole Iberian Peninsula is back under Christian influence and rule
12th to 15th century: Spain develops into a global power
1348: Millions of people fall victim to the Plague
1474: Castilian heiress to the throne declares herself Queen
1492 Christopher Columbus discovers America for the Spanish Crown1945 – 1964: Cold war between Russia and the States
1524: First administrative structures in America
1532: Begin of Peru conquest
1535: Viceroyalty New Spain in Mexico
1561: Madrid becomes Spain's capital
1635: France declares war on Spain. Begin of the Thirty Years' War.
During the middle of the 17th century Spain loses more and more Caribbean Islands.
1807: Napoleon occupies Spain until 1813
The following years Spain is shaped by riots and internal conflicts. Spain loses last colonies.
1889: Begin of the Spanish-American War
1923 -1930 Military dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera
1931: Republic declaration
1936: Spanish Civil War. Franco takes over power.
1975: Franco dies. Begin of democratization of the country.
1978: New constitution
1986: Spain joins the European Union
Spain is a popular travel destination because of its climate. Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate and the summers are usually very warm and humid. The average temperature is 21 degrees Celsius in May already. The winters are mild, but rainy.
Seville is one of the hottest cities in the whole of Europe with an average of 300 sun days a year. Even in winter, temperatures hardly fall beneath the freezing point.
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