Zeugnis ++ Freiwilligenarbeit ++ Indonesien
My Experience Volunteering in a Children's Home in Bali!
I landed on Bali on the 4th of January at the beginning of the year to volunteer in a children's home in Bali. At that point, I had no idea what to expect, let alone that the time in Bali would be the best of my life!
When I arrived at the airport, I was picked up by the partner organization in Bali and taken to my accommodation. The accommodation was perfect for making new friends. Since I arrived on a Wednesday and my project didn't start until Monday, I still had the opportunity to get used to the warmth in Bali.
My Volunteer Program
The organization was launched by Ibu Ine. Ibu Ine has 12 adoptive children aged 1 to 16 who all live with her in one household. Daily tasks as a volunteer include cleaning the house, preparing the breakfast boxes that toddlers take care of, planning creative handicrafts with the children, giving German lessons and, above all, bringing the children to school and picking them up again. So it is definitely an advantage to have experience driving a scooter. When I arrived in Bali I thought I would never sit on a scooter! But already after the first try, I noticed that it wasn't that difficult and was actually fun.
Ibu Ine usually works in two shifts: the first from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., the second from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. During the time in the children's home, the children of Ibu Ine grew very dear to my heart and it was very difficult to say goodbye to them again after spending so much time with them.
The Simple Life in Bali
I spent my free time looking at as many beaches on Bali as possible with the other volunteers. At the weekend there was more time to plan longer trips to Bali. Somehow everything felt like a long vacation, even though I helped a lot with Ibu Ine during the week. I miss Bali very much and will definitely come back as soon as possible. The volunteering and also the quite simple lifestyle has shown me a new way of life. I saw how happy, open and lovable the people of Bali are, despite the rather simple conditions. It is not the money that makes life more beautiful, but the attitude towards life itself. If you are already happy, you can be too.
If you are looking for the dream beaches, you actually have to search on the small neighboring islands, which are all the more beautiful for that! But Bali convinces across the board with its inhabitants, with its mentality and spirit. Life there was easier in many ways.
During these two months, I have learned how little is necessary for life and how little we need to be happy. That is why the slogan “Home is where your heart is” fits so well: I really felt at home in Bali.
Vielen Dank an die Organisation auf Bali, die mir nicht nur dabei half, meine Freiwilligenstelle zu finden, sondern auch immer da war, wenn ich Hilfe brauchte. Es war eine so tolle Erfahrung, die ich niemals vergessen werde und die mich zu einem besseren Menschen gemacht hat.
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