Terms and Conditions
StudentsGoAbroad is a product of Lumen Media Pte. Ltd. and offers mediation services into the travel services of second-party organizations. The following terms and conditions apply for every participant using the mediation services of StudentsGoAbroad.
Terms and Conditions
Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions of StudentsGoAbroad (SGA) - a company of Lumen Media Pte. Ltd. The following paragraphs apply to all participants who use the services of SGA.
§1 Contracting Parties
1.1 Contractual partners of this brokerage contract are you, the participant (from now on referred to as participant/contractual partner), and StudentsGoAbroad (from now on referred to as SGA), with its head office in Singapore (registration number 201436398R).
1.2 Contractual partners of contracts whose contractual content is outside the mediation of an overseas program (insurance, car rental, apartment rental, flight, etc.) are exclusively the participant and the corresponding contractual partner.
1.3 In some cases, after successful placement/booking, the participant receives a separate contract with the partner organization responsible for the placement and on-site organization. SGA is only liable for its own fault and only for its own mediation activities. A responsibility for slight negligence is excluded. The participant agrees that the partner organization is the contractual partner program content according to §4. The relevant legal provisions govern this contract and its content and, if applicable, the conditions of the respective contractual partner.
1.4 The contractual partner should have reached the age of 18 at the start of the program (except for student language trips).
§2 Completion of the Contract
By clicking on the checkboxes 'I have read and agree to the SGA terms and conditions' and 'Order booking' in the online registration system, the participant agrees to these General Terms and Conditions and submits a binding offer to SGA to conclude a contract for a program abroad. Acceptance shall also take place through the online registration system. If SGA accepts this offer, the participant will receive a confirmation of the conclusion of the contract by e-mail. With the acceptance of the registration, SGA cannot guarantee that the participant will receive a place within a program or an alternative location.
§3 Object of the Contract
The subject matter of the contract is the current service package of SGA at the time of the conclusion of the contract. The content of the service package can be found on the internet website at www.studentsgoabroad.org. The service package may vary for different countries and/or according to the individual participant's request.
§4 Performance
4.1 The service or content for programs is listed and updated at www.studentsgoabroad.org. SGA and/or its partner offices reserve the right to change program content at short notice without prior notice to participants. SGA and its partner organizations are not liable for postponements of program dates through no fault of their own.
4.2 SGA explicitly mediates programs abroad of other organizations or individual services in the name of a third party and owes only the proper mediation, not the service.
4.3 All project proposals or offers described are based on the information provided by the respective partner organization or project manager and are without guarantee.
4.4 Changes to program content are subject to factors beyond the control of SGA. This refers, in particular, to volunteer projects. These are not to be understood as tourist-oriented vacation arrangements, but place increased demands on the participant's resilience and adaptation to the host country's conditions.
4.5 If the participant does not use services after the trip's start for reasons they are responsible for or if the arranged service is not provided in full, SGA will endeavor to obtain reimbursement from the partner organizations for the saved or expected service. This only applies in the case of entirely insignificant services or if a refund is opposed by legal, official, or institutional regulations.
§5 Mediation and Booking Procedure
The booking and the mediation process by SGA start after the successful transmission of the personal data via the online registration tool and after the receipt of the registration fee has been confirmed to the participant. The participant receives at least one program proposal according to his request. If the participant rejects the first offer, another mediation attempt can be started.
§6 Confirmation
6.1 The program confirmation is the subject of a separate contract between the participant and the provider of the mediated programs, e.g., volunteer work (organization), internship (company or partner organization), or language travel (provider).
6.2 This contract must be signed by the partner organization, company, or provider and sent to SGA by e-mail or uploaded to the SGA online account.
6.3 The program confirmation sent to the participant or confirmed by email (internship contract, language trip, etc.) is considered a "successful booking/arrangement.“
§7 Registration Fee
7.1 All programs consist of a registration fee and a program fee. The registration fee is 290,00 €. The prices of the different programs differ in amount and the included SGA services. The individual program fees are listed on the website or in the SGA online account.
7.2 After completing the profile, filling in the registration form, and accepting the General Terms and Conditions of SGA, the applicant can pay the registration fee (from now on referred to as "first payment").
7.3 Only upon receipt of the payment of the Registration Fee is the Applicant officially registered with SGA, and SGA, together with its Partners, will consider options. The Registration Fee is not transferable to any other person.
7.4 The registration fee will not be refunded once our partner abroad accepts your application. Receiving your application, our overseas office guarantees that your program is possible. SGA will retain the registration fee as a processing fee.
7.5 Any transfer fees from banks or other payment services (e.g., Paypal) are the applicant's responsibility.
§8 Program Fee
8.1 Details of program fees are listed in the SGA Web or online account. The program fee covers SGA's and the partner organization's fees. The program fees online at the registration time apply to the contract.
8.2 The Program Fee (from now on, "Second Payment") must be paid after the Participant receives the Program Confirmation or Contract (including by email). The participant will receive an invoice for the amount to be paid. This must be paid within 14 days and before the start of the trip. If the payment deadline stated on the invoice is not met, a reminder fee of 10 euros will be charged. If there is no program fee payment until the day of departure, the participant has no claim to the services of the partner organization of studentsgoabroad.org.
8.3 After receipt of payment of the total program fee, the mediation activity regarding the remaining services from the service package will be continued by SGA. SGA reserves the right to offer partial participant payment and/or installments. The entitlement of the provided service package remains valid for 12 months after the invoice date of the program fee, provided that the partial amount with the offered term, SGA, was credited.
8.4 An additional international bank fee of 5% (transaction fee) will be charged on the program fee to cover bank charges and currency fees. This amount will be added to the invoice amount of the program fee.
§9 Withdrawal Policy
9.1 Participants may revoke their brokerage order/booking within 14 days by stating reasons in text form (e.g., e-mail). The period begins after receipt of payment of the participant's registration fee but after the contract's conclusion and before fulfilling our information obligations. Complying with the revocation period is sufficient to send the revocation in time. The cancellation must be emailed to support@studentsgoabroad.com and info@lumen.media (cc). In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties shall be returned.
9.2 The right of revocation expires prematurely if SGA or the foreign office has started with the execution of the service, i.e., with the start of the placement and without objection of the applicant before the end of the revocation period. In this case, the registration fee will not be refunded.
§10 Cancellation Policy
10.1 Cancellation for Internship and Volunteering
Cancellation before successful program placement:
The registration fee will be refunded if the participant withdraws before contacting the partner organization.
If one or more partner organizations reject the participant's application after receipt, no placement will be started, and the registration fee will be refunded.
If the partner organization has accepted the application, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of the registration fee. If an internship is proposed to the participant and an interview is organized, SGA reserves the right to demand a cancellation fee of 200 euros from the participant.
Cancellation after successful program placement:
The entire program fee must be paid by the participant or will not be refunded. In exceptional cases, SGA reserves the right to refund a portion of the program fee at its discretion.Cancellation after the beginning of the program:
No refund of the program fee.
In exceptional cases, SGA reserves the right to refund a portion of the program fee at its sole discretion.
Note: Shortening the program is generally possible after consultation with the program partner and SGA, but partial reimbursement of new program time is not possible if travel has already begun. Only applies to internships abroad: The participant is not entitled to a paid internship or project position. An unpaid internship position is not a reason for withdrawal.
10.2 Cancellation for all other programs abroad (e.g. language courses, adventure travel, etc.)
The effective date for calculating the deadline is when StudentsGoAbroad receives the participant's notice of withdrawal. In case of withdrawal before the start of the trip (cancellation), SGA can claim a cancellation fee of the program fee:
up to and including the 90th day before departure 20%.
After that, up to and including 60. The day before departure, 30%
After that, up to and including 30. The day before departure, 60%
after that, up to and including the 4th day before departure, 80%
After that, up to and including the day of departure or in case of a no-show, 90%.
Note: A shortening of the program is generally possible after consultation with the program partner and SGA. However, no partial refund of the unused program time is possible for trips that have already started.
10.3 Cancellation due to Force Majeure
SGA is not liable for any damage or loss (program fee) incurred by participating in worldwide programs due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances (force majeure).
SGA reserves the right to pay a refund of the program fee upon agreement and goodwill of the partner abroad. The refund amount will be based on the terms and conditions of the overseas partner and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Until further notice, program participants may postpone one date free of charge the program start date. If the date is changed, participants have 90 days to select a new program start date later than the original date.
If a new date is not selected within 90 days, the program will be canceled, and the program fee will not be refunded.
§11 Entry documents
The participant is responsible for obtaining visas and other documents necessary to enter the country. If the participant is denied a permit or is not granted a visa in time, the participant shall bear the costs incurred by § 10 (e.g., the program fee, cancellation costs, or rebooking of the flight, etc.). The participant is responsible for carrying all essential documents when entering the country.
§12 Termination
12.1 SGA is entitled to terminate the contract extraordinarily and, if necessary, without notice if the participant negatively influences the mediation or booking process by acting uncooperatively. This includes, among other things, the non-response to e-mails or the withholding of booking-relevant information (e.g., nationality, date of birth, etc.). The registration fee shall be retained as compensation for expenses.
12.2 SGA is entitled to terminate the contract prematurely if the participant does not give their consent after the 3rd proposal submitted from the program offers of SGA (internships abroad, volunteer work, language trips, etc.). The registration fee will be retained as an expense allowance.
12.3 Concerns only internships abroad: In case of insufficient qualification of the participant during interviews and multiple rejections by companies, SGA reserves the right to terminate the placement process prematurely and to withdraw from the placement contract. The registration fee will be retained as an expense allowance.
§13 Deficient Program Placement
13.1 If the contract does not provide the services of the partner organization mediated by SGA, the participant shall demand a remedy from the partner organization. In this case, SGA is willing to negotiate between the parties, but it is outside the scope of the obligation.
13.2 The participant must address their complaint directly to the on-site partner organization and SGA. Only then can SGA sufficiently clarify the causes and negotiate between the contracting parties. The participant must agree to a reasonable period with the partner organization in consultation with SGA. Complaints due to unsatisfactory service performance submitted to SGA later than four weeks after the contractually stipulated project termination can no longer be asserted.
13.3 A program change is possible once should the relationship between the participant and the program (internship company, volunteer project, language trip, etc.) can not be maintained. In this case, the participant must agree on a reasonable period with the partner organization in coordination with SGA. If necessary, cancellation costs will be incurred by the partner organization.
13.4 If a program change is impossible because the participant's expectations are unreasonable according to §4 paragraph 4, SGA reserves the right not to offer a new program place. In this case, the participant has no right to compensation.
13.5 If the participant's housing arrangement needs to be improved or wishes to move out prematurely, the participant must contact the partner organization and the local landlord directly. SGA does not assume any liability for a housing arrangement and does not reimburse any rental costs already paid. A possible refund must be agreed upon with the partner or the landlord on site.
§14 Liability Restrictions
14.1 SGA assumes no liability for services between the participant and the arranged program. SGA excludes any liability for events that are not the responsibility of SGA (such as grant approval, insurance benefits, etc.). All undertakings by the participant before, during, and after the stay abroad are carried out by the participant at their own risk.
14.2 SGA and its employees do not assume any liability for damages caused by third parties. This applies, in particular, to traffic accidents, assaults, and other life risks caused by the social situation of the host country. The participant is obligated to inform themself sufficiently about the country's conditions before the trip starts, especially in volunteer projects.
14.3 The SGA partner offices do not assume any liability or compensation for damages caused by the participant during their stay abroad. It is expressly pointed out that if the participant violates the guidelines of the program provider or SGA, a project change is generally not possible. SGA and its partner offices reserve the right to exclude the participant from further services.
14.4 Participants acknowledge the responsibilities and risks associated with their choice to travel to a foreign country. In particular, volunteer work, adventure travel, and internships abroad involve a certain degree of foreseeable as well as unforeseeable risks, which the participant entirely assumes. Therefore, SGA, including all employees, managers, directors, host families, and independent local organizations and teams, shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred directly or indirectly by participants. This may include but is not limited to, personal injury, emotional injury, death, illness, damage to or loss of property, natural disasters, hostage situations, war, terrorism, and indemnities.
§15 Insurance
SGA does not arrange any insurance services. Participants must have good health, liability, and accident insurance for their stay abroad. The participant must familiarize themself with the country-specific travel medical instructions, vaccinations, and travel hazards. International health insurance for each participant must be obtained before the start of the trip.
§16 Testimonials
We constantly improve our services and welcome feedback through a trip report. A report includes at least 300 words and at least five photos and/or a video. Essays are generally not compensated. SGA's discretion is to remunerate the experience report and publish it on the website. If the information is issued, the participant will receive 30 euros. The participant agrees that the writing may be edited. He also grants the simple perpetual right of use about all types of report use and photos or videos.
§17 Limitation
The statutory limitation period shall apply in the relationship between the contracting parties unless the contracting party is a company or a merchant. In this case, the limitation period is one year. The customer's claims listed in §2 shall become statute-barred one year after receipt of the application.
§18 Governing Law
Due to the international location of the company, the place of jurisdiction for Germans, EU citizens, and other nationalities is in Singapore. UN law applies to the contract. Should any provision of this contract be invalid or the agreement contains a loophole, the legal validity of the remaining clauses shall remain unaffected.
§19 Force Majeure
SGA shall not be liable for any defective performance, unavailability, failure of the Program or the Website, or loss of SGA to comply with these Terms and Conditions if such failure arises from any cause beyond the reasonable control of SGA.
§20 Personal Data
The participant agrees that their data in the context of the mediation and booking process (e.g., registration documents, CV, newsletter, etc.) may be forwarded electronically (by email) to our partner offices.
§21 Health Insurance Abroad
Every participant in exchange programs abroad has to take out international health insurance. Participants are well insured worldwide for SGA exchange programs with the PROTRIP - International Health Insurance from Dr. Walter, which can be purchased for as little as 34 Euros per month.
Review of the General Terms and Conditions
The general terms and conditions have been reviewed and confirmed by the law firm - Ziefle.
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